Retrain & Realign Your Body Out of Pain
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Retrain & Realign Your Body Out of Pain

Welcome to your Do-It-Yourself PT Gold Membership.

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Here you will find videos on why your alignment and posture matter for you to get out of pain and for your well-being and health! How you sit, stand and walk defines the forces through your joints and thus the health of your joints, ligaments, tendons and discs. This is good news because we can change how we sit, stand and walk to optimize our body. We also can improve our flexibility, range of motion, strength and neural mobility no matter what our diagnoses. Even if you have been limited for a long time, even if you have tried physical therapy, personal trainers, chiropractic and different techniques before. Don’t give up!

If you have pain there are things you can do to change this. The key is consistency, perseverance and patience. For myself and my patients it has been true that “Patience paves the way to a gratifying recovery”. If you have not already, please check out The About section on Do-It-Yourself PT:

In your Gold Membership, I have included some entry level videos on alignment, as well as a few beginning exercises and some educational videos for you to start your journey towards getting your movement and life back.

However, do not consider any information displayed on or within your Gold Membership as medical advice or physical therapy treatment. Any information on diseases and treatments available in your membership is limited for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. You should always consult your physician or qualified health care practitioner before embarking on a new exercise or corrective exercise program.

Getting Started

It is totally essential that you do not do any exercise with pain or that causes increased pain. Now, you may have difficulty attempting to assume a position at first but it should decrease or go away in a few minutes allowing you to continue.

***Often in the beginning you may only be able to do part of an exercise or a partial movement. However, if you do not push into any discomfort, not even a pinch, then with repetition you will gain pain-free mobility and the exercises can help.

How to get out of pain by correcting your walking form. Why how you sit, stand and walk matters!

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What your spine should look like: Restoring Spinal Curves, Ideal Alignment

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Spinal Alignment, Ideal S curve: a quick look:

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Ideal Standing Posture:

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The Ottoman Position:

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How to activate your core, Turn on Your Transversus Abdominis Muscle.

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The Magic of Pelvic Tilts

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Pelvic Tilt Exercise:

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What are the Best Sleeping Positions to Reduce Back Pain & Support Joint Health.

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Should You Use Heat or Ice for Pain & Injury.

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Should You Use a Back Brace When You Have Back Pain?

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Have you had your “back go out” many times? Try DIYPT

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Why Diaphragmatic Breathing is Important for Your Health and How to Practice Proper Breathing

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How to Correct Walking Form Problems and walk with ideal gait form to protect and support your body

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How to walk properly to prevent or eliminate pain. Correcting excessive toe out

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How to do Dishes and Limit Low Back Pain. Back Health & Body Mechanics

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Do you want more ways to support your body and get out of pain?

Sign up now for The Platinum Program!

In the comfort of your own home, I will lead you through 4 stages of corrective exercise programs. Each stage has 15-24 videos that include both why & how an exercise can support your body, and how to exactly perform the exercise for success. Additionally, there are 15 additional videos on posture, alignment and walking properly. Or you can use the Fast Tracks which include consolidated programs for Sciatica, Stenosis, Morning Stiffness, Sleep Success, Strength & Stability, Alignment/Lubrication and the Daily Three.

You can get all this and a Life Time Membership Today for Only $99.00